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Report issues or seek support

Open a GitHub issue with a concise description of the problem, including steps to reproduce and your environment. Check existing/closed issues before posting.

Contribute to ollamar

Before you make a substantial pull request, you should always file an issue and make sure someone from the team agrees that it’s a problem.

Fork the repository, create a branch for your changes, and submit a pull request with documented and tested code. Refer to R packages by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan for R package development guidelines.

  • We use roxygen2, with Markdown syntax, for documentation.
  • We use testthat for testing. Contributions with test cases included are easier to accept. - We use continuous integration and deployment through GitHub and GitHub actions.

Code of conduct

Please note that the ollamar project is released with a contributor code of conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.